Note: Adding Apple Cider vinegar to the jar is great bait! This project was inspired by SouthernGinger’s last Carpenter Bee Trap project video. I’ve seen these at my local hardware store selling for 20-30$ and the carpenter bees have started to come out in full force. So, I started to wonder if there was a […]
VLOG: Smoke Detectors, WordCamp ATL, Wood, Daredevil, and More!
SouthernGinger’s Carpenter Bee Trap Installing and interconnecting 6 smoke detectors The Wood Yard
Let’s Install Some Interconnected Smoke Detectors
We live in a 150 year old farm house that had no smoke detectors installed in it. Since we have three kids and tons of animals, we really wanted to add some for the added fire safety. I went out to my local big box store and picked up a couple of contractor packs, 150′ […]
VLOG: Deer Head Mount, Milestones, Smoke Detectors, Game of Thrones, and More!
Game of Thrones Trailer Let’s Make a Mount for a Paper Mache Deer Head
Let’s Make a Mount for a Paper Mache Deer Head
Kati bought a paper mache deer head from Hobby Lobby and asked me to make her a mount for it. I used my flexible curve ruler to design a basic mount shape and cut it out on my scroll saw. After sanding it with my random orbital sander, I used a Roman Ogee bit in […]