Game of Thrones Trailer Let’s Make a Mount for a Paper Mache Deer Head
Let’s Make a Mount for a Paper Mache Deer Head
Kati bought a paper mache deer head from Hobby Lobby and asked me to make her a mount for it. I used my flexible curve ruler to design a basic mount shape and cut it out on my scroll saw. After sanding it with my random orbital sander, I used a Roman Ogee bit in […]
Let’s Make Some Luggage Clothes Hangers
Kati had some vintage luggage with clothes hangers. The clothes hangers had broken corners and she asked me to make her some new ones. I went out to the lumber store, picked up some 5/8″ Birch plywood. I used a Kreg Rip-Cut to cut the plywood down to size and my old Craftsman scroll saw […]
VLOG: Knick Knack Shelf, Ghostbusters, Whirlygig
Ghostbusters Trailer Jimmy DiResta’s Whirlygig P.S. I totally forgot to talk about Quantum Leap! That’s okay, only one more episode to go until the series is finished :).
Let’s Make a Knick Knack Shelf
Kati asked me to make her a shelf to put a her collectables and knick knacks on up in her office area. I went out to the lumber store, picked up some select pine for this job and decided that I was going to try to build a french cleat. I got some 8′ x […]